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Here at KASM, student success is our first commitment. KASM’s vision statement summarizes our commitment to create a supportive environment in order to provide high quality Christian education to those individuals who have been called by God to lead, as well as, to those who only seek to enhance their knowledge of the Bible.

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Message from the KASM Chancellor
Bishop Ronnie Whittier

Dear Students,


Welcome to Kingdom Authority School of Ministry (KASM). I’m excited about the opportunity to serve the people of God through teaching. Our school curriculum is designed to marry biblical principles, end-time revelation and practical application. These areas are important to ensure that our students are informed and transformed in their walk.


You will discover that KASM has a very good staff of teachers that are dedicated and passionate about the work of ministry. I am convinced that you have chosen KASM through divine mandate. 


I welcome you to a new level of ministry that will inspire you to reach your fullest potential in Kingdom Building.



Ronnie Whittier, Th.D.


Message from the HGIM Prelate
Apostle Larry J. Baylor

Hello and welcome to Kingdom Authority School of Ministry’s (KASM). Your decision to register for classes in our school, will pay dividends in your spiritual as well as your natural life. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”  The fact that you agreed to invest in your personal development, is proof-positive that you are without question on the right track. The mission of (KASM) is to educate and train believers to embrace a deeper level of biblical and theological understanding. With this, we will also equip believers with the necessary tools, to become skilled in their ministry gift(s) and calling.  If you want to expand your knowledge of the Word or become more effective in your divine calling, you have connected with the right Bible school.  Our goal is to assist you in maximizing every task the Lord has pre-ordained you to undertake.  Our teachers are highly anointed, highly informed, highly enlightened, and highly motivated to fulfill this goal in your life.  At (KASM) we have a vested interest in your Kingdom assignment.  Welcome to the rest of your life.

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Prophet Alberta Walker

KASM Active Chancellor


Below are the Board and Staff for KASM

Apostle Larry J. Baylor

HGIM Prelate

Assistant Chancellor


Bishop Ronnie Whittier

HGIM Bishop

KASM Chancellor


Prophet Donna Scott

HGIM Prophet/Board

International Instructor


Prophet Nina Turner

HGIM Prophet

KASM Instructor/Board 


Minister Jackie Jones

KASM Instructor




Evangelist Celeste Aaron

KASM Chief Financial Officer


Evangelist Marguerite Jefferies 

KASM Administrative Assistant


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